Our Church Covenant

In today’s sermon we explore Trinity Church of Lake Nona’s new Church Covenant.

Called into New Life

We thank God for the light we have received and for the revelation of Jesus Christ we now enjoy, Now, having been brought by God’s sovereign grace to repent and believe in the finished work of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins, and having been baptized into the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. With deep joy and great seriousness we affirm our covenant together as a local expression of Christ’s church for the glory of God and the good of His people..

Walking together as the Church

Together, we will labor for the advancement and final triumph of Christ’s church; to sustain her worship by treasuring our opportunities to sing, to pray, and to receive the whole counsel of God’s Word. We commit to supporting her ministries; to guarding her ordinances; to receiving her discipline enforcing her discipline and defending her doctrine, for the glory of God and the good of His people.

Walking together as a Community

Together, we will stir one another up to love and good works; sharing in each other’s joys and burdens; praying regularly for one another; walking in unity, we will reject all opportunities to speak or to hear gossip or slander. Instead, speaking the truth in love we pledge to watch over one another in brotherly love, cheerfully giving of our lives and resources, joyfully submitting together to the Word of God, admonishing, correcting, and encouraging one another for the building up of the Body of Christ for the glory of God and the good of His people.

Walking together in the Culture

Together, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we will seek to walk humbly and joyfully in the world, living out the gospel in all areas of life. We will seek the salvation of our family, friends, neighbors, and beyond through the proclamation of the gospel. And we will, seek to be honest, just, and faithful in all our relations, embodying the gospel with loving and holy lives; aiding the poor and needy, praying for the world as we seek to love our neighbors as ourselves, for the glory of God and the good of His people.

In all these may the love of the dying Savior, the power of the risen Savior, and the hope of the returning Savior be with us now and always.


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