Daily Word / A Perfect Match: His Power and Our weakness
Today’s Text: Psalm 119: 137-144
Today’s Song: When I Survey
Today we look at a new section: 137-144.
Some things just go together…peanut butter and jelly…peanut butter and chocolate…really, peanut butter and just about anything.
Here we have the psalmist giving us two things that fit together perfectly: God’s grace and our weakness.
This section can be broken down into two groups of four verses each, with each section matching the previous one.
Here is the outline:
137 and 141 give us a contrast between the two characters: God’s righteousness and our weakness.
– Your word is upright (137) pairs with I have not forgotten it (141)
– righteousness and faithfulness (138) righteousness and truth (142)
– The Loved word (140) and the life-giving word (144)
– 139 and 143: set the scene/ life situation
– 139: he is consumed by zeal because all his foes forget God’ word; (not forgetfulness, but rejection)
– 143: trouble and anguish; troubled world;
– Difficult people should drive us to Gods’ word, and be passionate about his truth because his character is sure.
– Difficult circumstances should increase our delight in the word because its life-giving power makes up for our inadequacies
– We have a MATCH: our need, his power!