Our Soul’s Assassin
Genesis 3:1-7
When Sin entered the world, it caused a series of broken relationships: our relationship with God, ourselves, others, and our world were all fractured.
Now, life in the world, in us, and with others is not what it was meant to be.
But the glory and story of the gospel is that God has not given up on us or the world. This is still God’s good world, ruined by Sin, redeemed by the Son, and being recreated by the Holy Spirit into the kingdom of God.
What Christians call salvation is the good news that God is restoring fallen humanity and creation so that they will flourish according to their original design.
Over the next two weeks, we will unpack from Genesis 3 how Sin breaks us and how Grace remakes us.
We will begin by looking at Satan’s strategy to destroy. He is a soul assassin and is on the hunt. His strategies haven’t changed, and we must learn how to fight back.
Join us this Sunday as we learn to discern his tactics and celebrate his defeat.
Sermon Outline
Gen. 3:1-7
Our Soul’s Assassin
1. The Serpent (v1)
2. The Stalk (v.2-3)
3. The Set-up (v.4)
4. The Strike (v.6)