Nehemiah 13 // How to Experience Lasting Change
This week we are wrapping up our series on Ezra and Nehemiah.
The story of Ezra and Nehemiah is epic, if it was adapted to a screenplay, the obvious place to end would be found in Nehemiah chapter 10.
The camera would pan out as the entire community boldly promises: “We will not neglect the house of our God!”
The triumphant music would swell to a crescendo and then the credits would roll.
But it is not a movie.
And it doesn’t end in chapter 10.
In chapter 13 we find the sequel.
Nehemiah returns from a trip to Babylon to find the house of God neglected!
What was happening, why did it happen, is there any warning we might heed? How did their energetic and enthusiastic commitments to the Lord and his house fizzle out?
Join us Sunday as we examine the real dimensions of commitment: sanctity and loyalty. And try and discover how we can experience real, lasting change.