Deep Dive into Hebrews

Teacher: Sonja Gross

In the Deep-Dive class we will tackle the second half of Hebrews, chapters 7-13.
Each Sunday, we work through a Scripture passage by focusing on the following three questions:
1) In what ways is Jesus more excellent than the persons and institutions the author is comparing him with?
2) What insights do we gain about the relationship between the Old and the New Testament?
3) How can we apply what we learn into our own lives?
Our main goal is to gain a better understanding of the Word of God and to fall in love with Jesus all over again!
Sonja Gross

Biblical Ethics

Teacher: Steve Huerd

Have you ever considered what the Bible teaches about immigration, end-of-life decisions, or the relationship between Christians and the government? Many of us only engage with ethical issues when they directly impact us or someone close to us. However, it's important to care about matters that may not affect us personally, as they influence our brothers and sisters both globally and within our own communities. This class addresses challenging topics like sexuality, divorce and remarriage, abortion, artificial intelligence, and more.


Spiritual Formation

Teacher: Hanni Go & Patrick Martin

Come join us for Trinity’s first spiritual formation class. Spiritual formation is getting alot of “buzz” in the Christian world but there can sometimes still be some confusion on what it actually is. Robert Mulholland author of Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map to Spiritual Formation defines spiritual formation as the process of being formed into the image of Jesus for the sake of Jesus. Each of us is being formed everyday by what we watch, listen to, and do. Everything we do is either conforming us more into the image of Jesus or deforming us away from His image. Come learn more about spiritual formation and how you can slow your life down to make more space to be present to Jesus. This first class will run for 7 weeks starting January 26th. We will focus on slowing down and will talk about why we need to slow down, why it is so hard, and will explore some practices to help us slow down. This class is for every Christian whether you have been walking with Jesus for decades or you have just begun. We hope this class will be very practical and we will take class time to explore different practices together.

Patrick headshot