Service times
9:30am- Service starts
11:00am- Service ends, and Discipleship Hour* begins
*Discipleship Hour is a time of fellowship and learning, kind of similar to an adult Sunday School! There will be a few classes you can choose from to attend, and for your little ones, we provide child care! (See the bottom of this page for more information on what child care looks like.)
Location information
Trinity Church of Lake Nona meets every Sunday at 9:30am at Laureate Park Elementary School:
7800 Laureate Blvd, Orlando FL
When you arrive, you can head right on over to the school's cafeteria where we meet for service. There will be signs and greeters along the way, guiding you to where you need to be!
Here is a map of the church/school for your convenience.

Where do I park?
If you look above at the Trinity Lake Nona map, you'll see that you can park in the school's main parking lot. Once you're parked, you can follow the signs to the cafeteria where we will meet for service.
What to expect...
When you arrive to the cafeteria for service, you will notice that we have a selection of coffee and snacks for you to enjoy. Please help yourself to whatever you'd like!
We have two areas for people to sit for service; In the front where our lovely Ops team sets up chairs for our congregation, or in the back we have benches primarily used for families with little ones.
Once service starts, you'll notice that we have a specific way of going about our worship and liturgy.
Below, you can find an in-order list of how Trinity goes through the service.
Welcome / Call to Worship
Worship Leader will welcome the congregation and read the call to worship
Song 1
Pastoral Welcome / Meet and Greet
Trinity's Pastor, Dr Ben Bailie, will welcome the congregation and introduce meet and greet
Song 2
Call to Confession
Worship leader will lead the congregation into confession
Song 3
Prayer for Illumination
Worship leader will pray before the sermon
Sermon (Usually lasts about 30 minutes)
Pastoral Prayer
Pastor Ben will lead the congregation in prayer and will introduce communion
Song 4
Benediction / People exit to head to their Discipleship classes
What is the typical attire?
We don't have any attire specifications, but we do recommend you wear something nice; sometimes we have a photo booth / photographer!!
What does child care look like?
What to expect during the worship hour:
Plan to bring your children with you into the service! Our desire is to have all children attend the family
worship service as they are an important part of the body of Christ. We understand that this may be a
challenge for younger children, so we offer a small group story time, located in the library, for children
ages Kindergarten, first, and second grade, who may need extra engagement during the sermon.
We have kid’s bulletins and coloring pages for those who stay in the service to help encourage
engagement with the sermon.
Nursery is available for children ages 0-4.
What to expect during the discipleship hour:
Following the family worship service, children ages 0-5 th grade will go their TrinityKIDS classes, where our
desire to share the love of Jesus in a safe, fun, and nurturing environment. Kids ages PreK-5 th grade will
be dropped off and picked up at the bus loop.
Nursery is available for children ages 0-3.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at