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Summer in the Psalms | Rob Corbin

Sunday, August 4th, 2024

This Sunday, we are excited to hear from Rob Corbin again!

Rob, one of our elders, and his wonderful wife, Rosemary, are among God's great gifts to our congregation and need no introduction. I am delighted to hear him bring the Word of the Lord tomorrow. His focus will be on one of my favorites, Psalm 63. At the beginning of June, Rob focused on the first part of Psalm 63, our soul's thirst for God. It was a moving and encouraging message. This Sunday, he will continue that theme and expand on the rest of the psalm.

1. Soul-thirst: (1-2)
“My soul thirsts for You!”
“So I have seen You in the sanctuary.”

2. Soul-satisfaction: (3-5)
“Because Your steadfast love is better than life!”
“My soul will be satisfied…”

3. Soul-security: (6-11)
“My soul clings to You…Your right hand upholds me!”


Sermon Outline:

Getting in Touch with Our Thirst for God
Psalm 63

Summer Preaching Schedule 

August 4 | Rob Corbin

August 11 | Ben Bailie

August 18 | Ben Woolbright (DNOW Weekend)

August 25 | Baptism Sunday!