Daily Word / When Friends Fight / Galatians 2

Today’s Verse: Galatians 2 Today’s Song: I Need Thee  Notes:  Today we look at Galatians chapter 2.  And wrestle with the question: what happens when friends fight? The artist formerly known as Prince tells us what happens when dove’s cry…but who can tell us what happens when friends fight? This one of the most important…

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Daily Word / When you tell YOUR story…don’t tell A story.

Today’s Verse: Galatians 1:13-2:21 Today’s Song: Holy, Holy, Holy  Notes:  Today we look at why Paul tells his story.  We love stories. And we need to tell our story. The remarkable story of how God has changed us. But the danger is to try and make it more “impressive,” more “dramatic” by worldly standards.  Here…

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Daily Word / Neither My Success or My Failure / Galatians 1:13-14

Today’s Verse: Galatians 1:13-14 Today’s Song: Gracious Redeemer  Notes:  Today we move into a new section (1:13-2:21). This is one of the most autobiographical sections in all of Paul’s letters and will be very important to understand the man and his message.  Here we see Paul telling us about his “former manner of life” and the…

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Friday Prayer / A Day of Remembrance and Thanksgiving

September 11th is a day of tragedy for our country, and a day of celebration for our church.  Today’s prayer is focused on Thanksgiving.  September 11th is a day of sober remembrance, but for us, at Trinity Lake Nona it is also a day of gratitude, as we remember our first public worship service which was…

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Daily Word / For this _________ I prayed…

Today’s Verse: 1 Samuel 1 Today’s Song: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms  Notes:  Today we pause our regularly scheduled programming and look at 1 Samuel 1.  1 Samuel begins at one of the darkest moments in Israel’s history. They are oppressed by the Philistines, fractured by division and their leadership is compromised morally. 1 Samuel…

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