Sermon: Matthew 4:12-25
Matthew’s Gospel is a ministry manual. It is a blueprint for how Jesus builds his house. It is a masterpiece that is simple and inexhaustibly profound. In this sermon, we look at the three great tasks of building the kingdom: 1. (4:12-17) Proclaiming the Gospel: the Light of the world calls the world to repent. …
Read MoreBible Study: Exodus 24-31. The Priesthood
Bible Study: Exodus 24-31. The Tabernacle Furniture
This week we continue our walkthrough Exodus and we come to the building plans for the Tabernacle. This might seem like an unlikely place to have a close encounter with the living God: the detailed instructions for setting up God’s tent. But here we learn about who we are and who he is. Overall Structure:…
Read MoreSermon: Matthew 3:13-17. Jesus’ Baptism
Matthew 3 is all about beginnings. We begin the Christian life with repentance and baptism. In this sermon we will look at baptism: Jesus’ baptism and ours. Baptism is gospel-theater. It is a living metaphor for the great movements and meaning of salvation. They are “visible words” meant to help us physically experience the gospel…
Read MoreSermon: Matthew 3:1-12. Repentance
Sermon Text | Matthew 3:1-12 Repentance is Essential Preparation Repentance’s Enemy is Presumption Repentance’s End is Production
Read MoreBible Study: Exodus 19-24
How can a cookbook, Shakespeare’s plays, and operating deadly machinery help you understand the law?
Read MoreBible Study: Exodus 13-18. Life in the Wilderness
The wilderness is our spiritual training ground. But what are we supposed to learn? Here we learn that the God who delivers us is also the God who trains and sustains us. Study Notes: Exodus 13-18 Through the waters of judgment (13-14) Song of salvation (15) Through the wilderness up the mountain; (15:22-24:18) life— >…
Read MoreSermon: Matthew 2:13-23
I have a question for you: What can an x-ray of Teddy Roosevelt’s lungs, a legal dispute with the Beach Boys, and jokes teach us about the Bible? Sounds like the setup for a bad joke, doesn’t it? But it’s not. It’s the setup for (what I hope) is a good sermon. Matthew chapter 2 is…
Read MoreBible Study: Exodus 5-12
Join us for a late-night conversation about the plagues and the Passover. Sorry, this one is a little long, but I couldn’t get Cynthia to stop laughing.
Read MoreBible Study: Exodus 1-4
Getting Going 1. Your mental pictures of this story of Israel’s slavery in Egypt and the raising up of Moses as a deliverer: Getting Clear 2. Our Mental Map: Plot: Gen 1 to Ex 40 as a complete narrative: a story about being expelled from God’s presence in Eden and then finally being brought back…
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