Daily Word // Lessons from the school of hard knocks

Today’s Text: Psalm 119:65-72 Today’s Song: Gracious Redeemer  Notes:  This section teaches us lessons from the school of hard knocks.  Key Word: good: 6x’s.  We learn: – what good is…– how to appreciate it… – where to find it… – where does it come from… – what are its demands…  65-68: Lesson 1 – School of hard knocks: God is God;…

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Daily Word // When the Righteous Rage // Part 2

Today’s Text: Psalm 119:49-56 Today’s Song: This Is My Father’s World  Notes:  The beautiful thing about the Psalms is that they give us a song, a prayer, for every situation.  In this Psalm, we are drawn into three situations that everyone feels and experiences at some point.  Are you experiencing any of these now? Here is…

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Daily Word// When the Righteous Rage

Today’s Text: Psalm 119:49-56 Today’s Song: When I Survey  Notes:  The beautiful thing about the Psalms is that they give us a song, a prayer, for every situation.  In this Psalm, we are drawn into three situations that everyone feels and experiences at some point.  Are you experiencing any of these now? Here is the place…

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Daily Word: How evil takes you: Gain -> Chain -> Pain

Mark 5:1-20  Song: Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended  Notes:  This is a story about how evil can take you, and how Jesus can take you back.  But for today: how does evil take you?  1st there is GAIN 2nd there is a CHAIN 3rd there is PAIN  But how does Jesus take you back? By…

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Daily Word: Mark 4:35-41. 3 Questions and why my boys love Publix

Song: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Notes: Question 1: Don’t you care that we are dying? They assume that since they lost control of the world then the world was out of control. That is a bad assumption.  Question 2: Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith? Central Theme: of…

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Daily Word: Psalm 27:7-9: Wobbly Faith and the Silence of God

Psalms 27:7-9 Hear, O LORD, when I cry aloud; be gracious to me and answer me! You have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says to you, “Your face, LORD, do I seek.” Hide not your face from me. Turn not your servant away in anger, O you who have been my help. Cast me…

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