“This is God’s good world, ruined by sin, redeemed by the Son, and being recreated by the Holy Spirit.”
Welcome to our Church!
Trinity Lake Nona is made of families and individuals who love Christ and others. It’s a gathering of people who are in process of being transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We weren’t made to go through life alone; but, rather, to fully belong, be fully known, and fully loved anyway. This is grace. And there's no amount of grace that can surpass the infinite grace extended to us by God. This is why we worship. We invite you worship with us this Sunday.
Get Connected!
Ready to take your next step? We believe that Gospel Transformation happens in a Grace Saturated community with other Christians. Trinity has multiple opportunities for you to engage!

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TrinityKIDS (Nursery - 5th grade) meets Sunday morning @ 11:00 during the Discipleship Hour
TrinitySTUDENTS (6th - 12th grade) meets Sunday morning @ 11:00 during the Discipleship Hour and every Sunday evening @ 6:00 for youth group
Multiple classes are offered during the Discipleship Hour, and Community Groups and Men's + Women's Bible Studies happen throughout the week!
Our Current Sermon Series:
Sunday Morning Schedule
Worship Service | 9:30AM
+ expositional preaching
+ blend of traditional hymns and worship songs
+ weekly scripture readings, confession and communion
+ welcoming "come-as-you-are" environment
Discipleship Classes | 11AM
+ Adult classes meet in the main building in various classrooms
+ TrinityKIDS meet in the main building in the student wing
+ TrinitySTUDENTS meet in teacher's lounge