Matthew 21:12-22

Learning to Listen

We live in a world of non-stop chatter. Chatter on the TV, chatter on the radio, chatter coming through your earbuds, and chatter in your mind. Today, airing your opinion is seen as a form of courage and health, and it matters more than listening. Talking continually is valued more than listening intently. 

But Christ wants listeners. 

Disciples are called to listen. 

Christ tells us about himself and seeks active, open, receptive listeners. 

Are you listening? 

One of the central themes of the Bible is that people grow and change by listening…not talking. 

This week in Matthew, we see Jesus as the great prophet, and he is the great prophet who comes speaking God’s authoritative and transformative word. 

David’s words in Psalm 32 are a fitting call to us this week: 

The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.

I will advise you and watch over you.

Do not be like a senseless horse or mule

that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control.” (Psalm 32:8-9, NLT) 

A willingness to listen is a sign of maturity and life. 

It is a key prelude to repentance and renewal. 

A failure to listen makes you like a mule. 

Don’t be a mule. 

Come Sunday eager to hear. 

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