Daily Word / When to ignore angels / Galatians 1:8
Today’s Verse: Galatians 1:8 Today’s Song: Holy, Holy, Holy Notes: Have you ever talked to an Angel? (That sounds like a lyric from a bad 90’s song.) Today we focus on verse 8, and Paul tells us when we should ignore angels, and what is the true standard for all our beliefs and experiences.
Read MoreFriday Prayer / We need more fruit!
Today I am joined by two very special guests… As we try to pray through three of the fruits of the Spirit…but only make it through two. Nonetheless, we pray for self-control, something the girls confess they need, and peace, something we all can confess we need.
Read MoreDaily Word / From Praise to Anger / Galatians 1:6
Today’s Verse: Galatians 1:6 Today’s Song: Before the Throne Notes: Today we move into the heart of the letter. And we begin with anger! In a second Paul moves from praise to anger…have you ever done that? Why? What motivated it? Why does Paul? These are the key questions for understanding this passage. Reading Challenge: Read…
Read MoreDaily Word / “You” are a part of a “we” / Galatians 1:5
Today’s Verse: Galatians 1:5 Today’s Song: Give Me Jesus Notes: Today we look at the pronouns. But don’t worry, this is no grammar lesson. Rather, it is a lesson in community. One of the most beautiful things in the world is when the “I” becomes an “us” and the “you” becomes a “we.” Reading Challenge: …
Read MoreDaily Word / This is our story / Galatians 1:4
Today’s Verse: Galatians 1:4 Today’s Song: When I Survey Notes: What is your story? What is our story? What is THE story? Your story…our story…THE story is the story of a rescue operation. Christ rescuing us from this present evil age.
Read MoreDaily Word / Galatians 1:1 / Raised and Rescued!!
Today’s Verse: Galatians 1:1 Today’s Song: This is My Father’s World Notes: Today we begin to dive into the text. And at the very beginning we see Paul forcing us to choose sides: are we of man or are we of God? And he contrasts what we do and what God does. So no matter who we are or what…
Read MoreFriday Prayer
Replay: This was one of my favorite prayer times: Join the two Benjamins as we pray for: 1. Comfort for when I am lonely Anchor Text: Psalm 139 2. Our Kids Anchor Text: Psalm 78:1-8 3. All the Healthcare workers Anchor Text: 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 4. That all Christ’s Churches will experience growth Anchor Text: Colossians…
Read MoreDaily Word // There are two types of people in the world…
Today’s Verse: Galatians Today’s Song: Rock of Ages Notes: In Galatians, Paul tells us there are two types of people in the world…and the most important thing in life is figuring out which you are. Reading Exercise: Read through and mark all of the polarities that Paul sets up. For example: flesh/Spirit law/gospel slave/free circumcised/uncircumcised
Read MoreDaily Word // Dealing with Conflict Well // Galatians Intro
Today’s Verse: Galatians Today’s Song: I Need Thee Notes: One of the most important lessons in life is learning how to deal with conflict. And Galatians is ALL about conflict. We have a saying around our house, that the goal of conflict is not to win, but to understand. When we fight there are no…
Read MoreDaily Word: The Gift of Grace
Today’s Verse: Galatians Today’s Song: Amazing Grace Notes: Today we think about the relationship between grace and “gift.” The primary way Paul speaks about grace is in the context of the self-giving of Christ. So how does the concept of “gift” shape how we think about grace? What is the appropriate response to the indescribable…
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