Daily Word / From Praise to Anger / Galatians 1:6

Today’s Verse: Galatians 1:6 Today’s Song: Before the Throne Notes:  Today we move into the heart of the letter. And we begin with anger! In a second Paul moves from praise to anger…have you ever done that? Why? What motivated it?  Why does Paul? These are the key questions for understanding this passage.  Reading Challenge:  Read…

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Daily Word / “You” are a part of a “we” / Galatians 1:5

Today’s Verse: Galatians 1:5 Today’s Song: Give Me Jesus  Notes:  Today we look at the pronouns.  But don’t worry, this is no grammar lesson.  Rather, it is a lesson in community. One of the most beautiful things in the world is when the “I” becomes an “us” and the “you” becomes a “we.” Reading Challenge: …

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Daily Word // There are two types of people in the world…

Today’s Verse: Galatians Today’s Song: Rock of Ages Notes:  In Galatians, Paul tells us there are two types of people in the world…and the most important thing in life is figuring out which you are.  Reading Exercise: Read through and mark all of the polarities that Paul sets up. For example: flesh/Spirit  law/gospel  slave/free  circumcised/uncircumcised

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Daily Word: The Gift of Grace

Today’s Verse: Galatians Today’s Song: Amazing Grace Notes:  Today we think about the relationship between grace and “gift.” The primary way Paul speaks about grace is in the context of the self-giving of Christ. So how does the concept of “gift” shape how we think about grace? What is the appropriate response to the indescribable…

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