Daily Word: Introduction to Galatians
Today’s Verse: Galatians Today’s Song: Gracious Redeemer Today we begin a devotional series on the book of Galatians. And for these first few episodes, we will be getting our bearings. I think Galatians is a perfect letter to study at this time? Why? This is Paul’s most explosive letter, his most passionate letter, but is this what…
Read MoreDaily Word Update
Thanks for listening! We will be on a two-week break and will return on August 17th. I have really enjoyed preparing these daily meditations on Scripture and learned so much in Psalm 119. For our next series, we will focus on the book of Galatians. This is Paul’s most explosive letter, and I can think of no…
Read MoreFriday Prayer / With the Prince of Preachers
Today we pray with one of the greatest preachers of all time: Charles Spurgeon. The primary way we learn to pray is by praying. But it helps to pray in the company of the great saints who have gone before us. The prayer below is modeled on one of Spurgeon’s pastoral prayers. It was prayed…
Read MoreDaily Word/ Prone to wander…do you feel it?
Today’s Text: Psalm 119:176 Today’s Song: Come Thou Fount Notes: Today we come to the end of Psalm 119. And we meditate on the reality of the Good Shepherd who seeks his lost sheep.
Read MoreDaily Word / Our Final Cry
Today’s Text: Psalm 119:169-176 Today’s Song: Holy, Holy, Holy Notes: Today we come to the final section of Psalm 119. And fittingly, it is a great final cry. Here we have a: 1. A cry to be heard. 169-170 Biblical praying often begins here, with a cry to be heard. Even though there is a deep intimate…
Read MoreDaily Word / Love Does
Today’s Text: Psalm 119:161-168 Today’s Song: May The Words of My Mouth Notes: Today we continue in 161-168. Here we see a heart full of love in the midst of a hard world. 161- 168: A Love Letter A Constant Heart: 161- 163 – the emotions of love; despite the situation there is consistency; – 1. Stands in…
Read MoreDaily Word / A Love Letter about God’s Letter
Today’s Text: Psalm 119:161-168 Today’s Song: There is a Fountain Notes: Today we move into a new section: 161-168. 161- 168: A Love Letter A Constant Heart: 161- 163 – the emotions of love; despite the situation there is consistency; – 1. Stands in awe: reverence; honor; respect; 161– 2. Rejoice: joy; treasuring; value; reward; 162– 3.…
Read MoreFriday Prayer/ Prayer of Examine
Today’s Text: Prayer of Examine Today’s Song: Create in Me a Clean heart Notes: Today we learn from a medieval knight about prayer! One of the great challenges of the modern world is taking time to pause and reflect. Today we will learn from Ignatius of Loyola and his prayer of examine. The best way to use…
Read MoreDaily Word/ Revive Me
Today’s Text: Psalm 119:153-160 Today’s Song: Revive Me Notes: The theme of this section is revival. I am not sure what you think of when you think of revival, but this is one of the most repeated cries of this Psalm. Here is a call for life.
Read MoreDaily Word / Draw Near (Part 2)
Today’s Text: Psalm 119:145-152 Today’s Song: Nothing But the Blood Notes: The theme of this section is drawing near to God. You could view this as a monument to the memories of prayer. He who has been with God in the closet will find God with him in the furnace. C.H. Spurgeon How he prayed: 145 What he prayed for: 146 When he…
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