Prayer Service: Psalm 27 (Full Service)

Here is the audio from our prayer service this morning. The service was structured around 4 main blocks of prayer with songs of praise in between. The prayer prompts we followed during the service can be found below. The “sermon” is during prayer block 3: Psalm 27. Prayer Block 1:  For Those Places Affected by…

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Sermon: Why we worship the way we do and why we are moving to two services.

Matthew 4 is all about ministry: there are three great temptations and three great tasks.  Matthew’s Gospel is a ministry manual. It is a blueprint for how Jesus builds His house.   And in Chapter 4:23 we get Jesus’ core ministry activities. This is a great time for us to pause and talk about our core ministry activities as a church.  So,…

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Bible Study: Exodus 24-31. The Tabernacle Furniture

This week we continue our walkthrough Exodus and we come to the building plans for the Tabernacle. This might seem like an unlikely place to have a close encounter with the living God: the detailed instructions for setting up God’s tent. But here we learn about who we are and who he is. Overall Structure:…

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Bible Study: Exodus 13-18. Life in the Wilderness

The wilderness is our spiritual training ground. But what are we supposed to learn? Here we learn that the God who delivers us is also the God who trains and sustains us. Study Notes: Exodus 13-18  Through the waters of judgment (13-14)  Song of salvation (15)  Through the wilderness up the mountain; (15:22-24:18) life— >…

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