Welcoming our Fall 2023 schedule
August is a transition month for families to adjust to their children in worship with them.
In August, children will join the worship service with their families, dismissing ages K-5th during the sermon for 30 min, and bringing them back again during communion and final song.
Worship Hour- 9:30am - 10:45am
Discipleship Hour- 11:00am - 11:45am
TrinityKIDS *August Only* Schedule
9:30am - Children K & up begin in worship service with parents
10:00am - At the sermon, children K & up are invited to the library for a large group
10:30/40am - Please pick up your child(ren) from the library after service
Large Group Themes
Aug 6 - What is worship?
Aug 13 - Why we sing and confess.
Aug 20 - Baptism and Confession.
Aug 27 - Review.
Sept 3 - 10 Plagues and commandments
More Information
Benefits of this change
- Compelling church history and sociological research pointing to the tremendous importance of children in worship, the importance of intergenerational integration, and the alarming consequences of this not happening.
- Clarity of purpose and priorities for worship and discipleship classes: corporate worship first, classes second, then go forth to live it out in your context;
- Practiced in order of importance:
- Heart stirred in worship
- Mind formed in learning the faith
- Life directed by the heart and mind
- the heart cannot love what the mind does not know; a heart cannot fully live out what it does not love
- children are worshiping with their families and congregation during Worship Hour
- All church members, not just children, are receiving age-specific / interest-specific discipleship classes during Discipleship Hour.
- Helps streamline our entrance and exits of the building, providing better spaces for conversational connections and safety.
Benefits for children worshiping in the service / Intergenerational Integration
- Christian values will be taught, as well as “caught” in attending worship service
- Intergenerational integration: direct correlation to the earlier in life that kids participate in the worship service, the more likelihood they will attend and engage in the church in their adulthood
- We will be able to treat teenagers like adults in church context; give them substantive, diverse roles serving the Body on Sunday morning.
- Childcare for 0-4yrs during both time slots (FILLED with two TT Nanny Agency, 8am-noon)
- More teachers for TrinityKids
- Multiple class offerings for adults