Ephesians 4:1-6: The Character we need…

In Ephesians 1-3 Paul takes us up into the heavenly realms and gives us one of the most majestic pictures of who the church is, what she is meant to be, and how she came into existence.

Paul has celebrated God’s eternal plan: to gather all things in heaven and on earth together under Christ (chapter 1), through the death and resurrection of Jesus, which reconciles us to God and and to each other (chapter 2), to manifest the triumphant wisdom of his gospel mystery to the spiritual realms in his church (chapter 3).

Now he brings us down to earth and shows us how we can live out these great truths in the nitty-gritty, rough and tumble reality of everyday life.

And he begins with the type of church we need to be in order to experience the power God offers.

Paul gives us his church growth strategy: Gospel community + Gospel Ministry = Gospel Maturity

In this first sermon we look at what type of community God desires us to be. And we will see that it is a community that is marked by:

  • Character (v.1-3)
  • Convictions (4-6)

Here is the message outline:


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