Holy Week 2021 / Maundy Thursday /

Isaiah 63:1-6: A Day of Vengeance…a day of love?

Today’s Song: Were You There?
Today’s passage: Isaiah 63:1-6

Isaiah 63 brings us alongside the Lord’s Anointed and paints a picture of Him once He has completed His work of vengeance. We see him blood stained from the battle that brought salvation. And we see two realities together: the Lord’s justice and the Lord’s love.

Here we see the Lord bearing the sword against His enemies…but the beauty of the gospel and the glory of the cross is that before He comes to bear the sword, He bore the sword. 

Today’s Prayer: 

Almighty Father, whose most dear Son, on the night before he suffered, instituted the Sacrament of his Body and Blood: Mercifully grant that we may receive it in thankful remembrance of Jesus Christ our Savior, who in these holy mysteries gives us a pledge of eternal life; and who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

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