Daily Word / Making Sense of You / Making sense of the Bible

Today’s Verse: Galatians 3-5 Today’s Song: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms  Notes:  Today we move into a new section: chapters 3-5.  In the first two chapters, Paul has argued that grace is the gift of Christ. It is the amazing self-giving of Christ who has given himself for me, and now I no longer live but it…

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Friday Prayer / Visions from Zechariah

Today we turn our attention to the book of Zechariah.  The restoration of Jerusalem after the exile happened in three key phases: Phase 1: The rebuilding of the temple (536-516 BC)  Phase 2: Ezra’s ministry of teaching (468 BC)  Phases 3: Nehemiah’s rebuilding of the walls (445 BC)  During the first phase, when they were…

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Daily Word / The Most Important thing about you…

Today’s Verse: Galatians 2:16 Today’s Song: In Christ Alone  Notes:  Today we see that the most important thing about us…is not about us! And we begin to answer the three Massive questions that will shape, at the very least, how we understand Galatians…but also will shape how we understand all of life and reality:  What does Paul…

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Daily Word / The First Steps in Relational Reconciliation

Today’s Verse: Galatians 2:15-16 Today’s Song: O Holy Jesus  Notes:  Today we dive into Galatians 2:15-21. This is one of the most compressed and dense sections of all of Paul’s letters.  Here Paul explains why he publically rebuked Peter and gives us the key steps to relational reconciliation.  Step 1: Embrace the “we” Step 2: Confront what…

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Friday Prayer / Prayers for Children…both young and old

One of our primary goals for our Friday prayer time is not only to pray but also to point you to resources to help you pray.  And one of the best is Matthew Henry’s A Method for Prayer, where he weaves together hundreds of scriptural phrases into a seamless garment of praise and petition. In today’s prayer,…

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