Sermon / Matthew 10:5-15 / When the Going Gets Tough: The Relationship Between Persecution and Mission

Matthew 10 is Jesus’ sermon on missions.He is preparing his followers for their mission.In verses 5-15 He gives them power. They have power over sickness, the devil, death, uncleanness,BUT they do not have the power to escape opposition. In verse 16 there is a shift in focus: what is the relationship betweenpersecutionandmission? Jesus is preparing them for some of the deepest…

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Sermon / Matthew 10:5-15 / Are You Ready for This?

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations we are not prepared for. In 1939 a Polish cavalry officer, and his horse, were sent to defend Poland against a division of German Panzer tanks during the Nazi’s invasion of Poland. The officer found himself in a helpless and hopeless situation as he was sent into a fight…

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Sermon: Entering an Atmosphere of Grace Part 1 (Matthew 6:11)

Generous Dependence As we enter into the second part of the Lord’s Prayer, we turn our attention to our environment.  What would it be like to live in an environment of grace? Of generous hospitality? Of daily joyful dependence?  All week long we swim in a sea of anxiety. We are battered by the cultural currents…

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Sermon: Matthew 3:13-17. Jesus’ Baptism

Matthew 3 is all about beginnings. We begin the Christian life with repentance and baptism. In this sermon we will look at baptism: Jesus’ baptism and ours. Baptism is gospel-theater. It is a living metaphor for the great movements and meaning of salvation. They are “visible words” meant to help us physically experience the gospel…

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Sermon: The Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-12)

Don’t be alarmed. This Sunday we are talking about the wise men…and it is not Christmas. I hope that doesn’t disorient anyone too badly.  Chapter 1 of Matthew introduces us to the main characters of the story of the world: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is overseeing history to bring about…

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Sermon: Joseph’s Sleepless Night (Matthew 1:16-25)

When was your last sleepless night? What caused it? A baby? Anxiety? Sickness? Sadness? Job loss? A job gained? Most of our days roll on with rhythmic sameness. We wake up, drink our coffee, go about our day’s work, eat dinner, go to bed… and repeat. But every so often we experience days that stop…

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