Holy Week 2021 / Good Friday
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Today’s Song: O The Wonderful Cross Today’s passage: Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Today we come to holy ground. Isaiah 52:13-53:12 is a 5 stanza song about the crucifixion. Let us take off our shoes…for the place he is hanging is holy ground. Spend some time thinking about each of the stanzas in this song. For each…
Read MoreHoly Week 2021 / Maundy Thursday /
Isaiah 63:1-6: A Day of Vengeance…a day of love? Today’s Song: Were You There?Today’s passage: Isaiah 63:1-6 Isaiah 63 brings us alongside the Lord’s Anointed and paints a picture of Him once He has completed His work of vengeance. We see him blood stained from the battle that brought salvation. And we see two realities together:…
Read MoreHoly Week 2021 / Wednesday / Man of Sorrows…Man of Celebration
Isaiah 61:10 – 62:12 Today’s Song: Man of SorrowsToday’s passage: Isaiah 61:10-62:12 Isaiah 61:10-62:12 is one long poem. It is a love song. It is a swelling celebration of the spreading joy that will be God’s and His Anointed One’s as they bring about salvation. Hebrews tells us that it was the joy set before…
Read MoreDaily Word // Tuesday // Holy Week 2021 // Isaiah 61:1-4
Isaiah 61: 1-4 Today’s Song: O’ Praise the Name Today’s passage: Isaiah 61:1-4 Isaiah 60 promises a new day will dawn when the Savior comes, but how will it happen? What will this new day bring? This passage tells us it will come through the Spirit anointed ministry of the Word. Here we are given Jesus’ job description and we see a ministry…
Read MoreDaily Word: Monday / Holy Week 2021 / Isaiah 60
To help prepare you for Holy Week we will be posting a daily devotional. There will be three parts: A Song A Scriptural Meditation A Prayer Today’s Song: Bless the Lord Today’s Passage: Isaiah 60 How many times had Isaiah seen the sunrise over Jerusalem? It is a sight you can still marvel at today.…
Read MoreDaily Word / Moving Update
We will be taking two weeks off of the podcast as we move! (it is within the neighborhood) Join Ben and Cynthia today as they share some exciting news about their new home! We will pick our Galatians study back up on October 26th. (So now would be a great time to catch up if…
Read MoreSermon: Entering an Atmosphere of Grace Part 1 (Matthew 6:11)
Generous Dependence As we enter into the second part of the Lord’s Prayer, we turn our attention to our environment. What would it be like to live in an environment of grace? Of generous hospitality? Of daily joyful dependence? All week long we swim in a sea of anxiety. We are battered by the cultural currents…
Read MoreFriday Prayer / From Panic to Peace
Today we turn our attention to Psalm 4. One of the biggest challenges in times like this is establishing and maintaining healthy routines. And Psalm 4 and 5 give us the routine of evening and morning prayer. In these Psalms, David finds himself in a time where: his future is uncertain, his name is slandered, his…
Read MoreDaily Word / When it is harder to receive than to give
Today’s Verse: Galatians 3:10-14 Today’s Song: I Need Thee Notes: We all know that it is more blessed to give than receive…but sometimes it is harder to receive than it is to give. Receiving implies needing…and we often don’t like to be needy. But Grace requires it. And God gives it.
Read MoreDaily Word / Don’t be Bewitched Part 2
Today’s Verse: Galatians 3:1-9 Today’s Song: Alas Did My Savior Bleed Notes: Don’t be bewitched! Here is a question: what kind of car did George Washington drive? Silly question, right? Cars weren’t invented then…but this is the same type of error the Galatians were making. In these verses, Paul argues that faith MUST proceed any type…
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