Why are you here?

Isaiah 43:1-7 Historian Carl Truman says: Today, there is perhaps no more pressing a topic than identity. Whether we are speaking about race, ethnicity, or sexuality and how they shape political discourse, or about our own personal sense of self and how that informs our day-to-day lives, the question of identity is omnipresent, all-pervasive, and deeply…

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A Call to the Weary / Matthew 11:28-30

Several years ago the World Health Organization labeled sleep deprivation as “an epidemic” in the developed world. They estimate that 2/3 of the developed world is chronically sleep deprived. The effects: routinely sleeping less than 7 hours a night demolishes your immune system, more than doubling your risk of cancer, exponentially increasing your risk of…

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Sermon // Characters of the Bible – Daniel

Today we are starting a new series called “Characters of the Bible.” We will begin by looking at the life of Daniel. His life was shaken when he was a teenager. Yet, through all the ups and downs, he did not compromise his faith. His story ends 70 years later as an amazing leader and…

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SERMON // Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace is the most sung, most recorded, and probably the most loved song of all time. Jonathan Aitken estimates that no other song even comes close to the number of recordings or frequency of performances, which is estimated to be around 10 million per year. It is estimated that if John Newton received royalties…

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SERMON // The House that Jesus Builds – The Promise of His Presence // Matthew 18:19-20

Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Jesus’ promise of His presence echos one of the great, master promises of the Bible.  All throughout the Bible, (over three hundred times!) God promises His presence to His people as they walk through the challenges of life. …

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SERMON // The House that Jesus Builds – Confessions of a “Ministry-holic” // Luke 10:1-22

Today, we will be hearing from one of our elders, Rob Corbin. Some of you may remember the catchy little chorus by Oswald Smith from way back — “There is Joy! Joy! Joy in serving Jesus! Joy that throbs within my heart; Ev’ry moment, ev’ry hour, As I draw upon His power, There is Joy!…

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