SERMON // The House that Jesus Builds – Worship Wars? // Matthew 17 & Psalm 95
Our theme today is worship. In Matthew chapter 16 Jesus gives us the foundation of the house He is building. He tells us what makes a church a church: its confession and its commitment to follow Him. And in chapter 17 Jesus gives us His house rhythms: He establishes for us the basic weekly routine so we can experience His power in our life…
Read MoreSERMON// The House that Jesus Builds – The Joy of Accounting? // Matthew 17
Some jobs seem to get the short-end of the publicity stick. For example, go to Barnes and Noble sometime and ask a sales clerk if they have: The Joy of Accounting, and see what you can find. You probably will be able to track down the Joy of Cooking, The Joy of Photography, The Joy of Juicing…but not…
Read MoreSERMON// The House that Jesus Builds – Who are you…really? // Matthew 16:21-28
We live in an age of “crisis.” Sit down and watch the news and you will be bombarded with one crisis after another: a humanitarian crisis; the Ukrainian crisis; the border crisis; a health crisis; an economic crisis. All of those crises are real and big — they are macro forces that sweep whole peoples away.…
Read MoreSermon // The House that Jesus Builds – Over due and over budget // Matthew 16:21-23
Building projects tend to take on a life of their own. A good rule of thumb is that whatever the time and cost estimate is…you should double it. In fact, it is a law: Hofstadter’s law. Douglas Hofstadter is a cognitive scientist who has shown, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, that no matter how much time you plan for…
Read MoreSermon // The House that Jesus Builds – Crisis Management Time // Acts 6:1-7
As we continue our series on The House that Jesus Builds, today we enter into rooms filled with conflict and crisis.When crisis comes to Jesus’ house, how does he expect his people to respond? What has he put in place to help them navigate it? Today we will imaginatively enter into board rooms and living rooms that are…
Read MoreSermon // The House That Jesus Builds: Time to Call the Repair Man // Matthew 16: 13-28
As we continue our series on The House that Jesus Builds, our theme today is healing. Our key question is: How does Jesus continue his healing work today? If you need your kidney, or your carburetor, or your plumbing repaired you know where to turn. For example, if you need your brain repaired a plumber might not…
Read MoreSermon // The Lord is my shepherd – Leading by Following // Psalm 23
In Matthew 16-20 Jesus gives us his plan for building His church.We’re looking at the foundation.Last week we saw that one non-negotiable foundation for Jesus’ house is His ministry of teaching. Today we are going to look at a second non-negotiable foundation: Christ’s Leadership.Our next core confession is that we confess that Jesus is King.…
Read MoreSermon // The House That Jesus Builds: Jesus is a Teacher // Matthew 16: 13-28
Take a minute to look around your house. What photos are displayed in your house? Who are they of? Why those? Who took them? We take and display photos for all different reasons. What pictures would Jesus have up in his house? Just after World War I a group of Archeologist discovered a nearly fully…
Read MoreSermon // The House that Jesus Builds – Phase 1: 3 Key Questions // Matthew 16:13-28
In Matthew 16-20 Jesus gives us his plan for building His church. And before you begin any building project there are a few questions you have to get clear on first. In Matthew 16:13-19, there are three essential questions we need to be absolutely clear on: 1. We have to get clear on what the question…
Read MoreSermon // The House That Jesus Builds: The Foundation // Matthew 16-20
Home renovation projects have a tendency to take on a life of their own. And sometimes you get into them and you realize…this isn’t turning out quite as I thought. You plan…you measure…you cut…you install…and then…you realize…this isn’t quite right. Redesigning a bathroom? Make sure things are all fit before it is too late. Or, sometimes you…
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