Treasure Hunters // Matthew 13:44-46

When Eric Lawes set off for a field in Hoxne village, Suffolk on November 16, 1992, it wasn’t on a treasure hunt. The metal detector he’d received as a retirement gift was meant to find a hammer lost on the farmland. But the detector picked up a strong signal in the earth, leading Lawes to…

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Sermon // The Key to Understanding your life: seeds and yeast // Matthew 13:31-33, 44-45

All the parables are meant to solve mysteries. If you want to understand why the world is the way it is, or why you are the way you are, or why your neighbor is the way she is…then you need to understand the parables. They unravel life’s mysteries.  And the mystery we will unravel today…

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Sermon // The Church’s One Hope // Acts 12

On January 1st, many people vow to become the best version of themselves they can be.  But we all know the resolutions rarely stick. In fact, I have noticed a significantly decreased level of optimism for change these past two years.  So, for our first Sunday in 2022, we turn our eyes to an interesting passage in…

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Sermon // The Wonders of His Love // You’re So Annoying!! // 1 Corinthians 13:5

Love is not irritable… Before you can express this kind of love you have to first experience this kind of love.  Why are you so annoying!!  You ever said that? Has anyone ever said that to you? Life is full of irritations…the co-worker who is always clicking their pen…the room-mate who slurps their cereal…the women driving with nowhere…

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Sermon // The Wonders of His Love // NO- Envy, Boasting, Arrogance, or Rudeness // 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

Love does not envy or boast. It is not arrogant or rude.  Before you can express this kind of love you have to first experience this kind of love.  Today we turn our attention to John 13 and the story of Jesus washing the disciple’s feet. In this story we are given a beautiful picture…

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Sermon // The Wonders of His Love – Patience and Kindness // 1 Cor 13:3-7

Last week we saw that love is the most important thing in our life. No matter how gifted we are, no matter how successful we are, no matter how sacrificial we are…we are nothing without love.  1 Corinthians 13 is a great challenge for the church.  Paul tells us, you can have: loveless worship, loveless preaching,…

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Sermon // The Wonders of His Love // 1 Corinthians 13

The greatest need you have right now is more of the love of Jesus. No matter what you have experienced this past year, or where you have been. You need more of the love of Jesus.  I know this is true for me.  There is nothing I need more in my life than more of the…

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Sermon // A Family Blueprint // Psalm 101

I am excited to welcome to Trinity My brother Gabe, who is a campus pastor at the Summit Church in Raleigh North Carolina. Gabe will be using Psalm 101 as a blueprint for building a godly family: 1. Worship is the foundation. 2. Integrity is the framework. 3. Humility is the joist. 4. Community is…

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Sermon / Are We Wheat or Weeds? / Matthew 13: 24-31, 36-43

All of the parables are meant to solve mysteries.  And the mysteries that this parable unravels are some of the most profound in life. To do so, Jesus points us to two fairly ordinary fields If you want to understand why the world is as it is…or why the church is as it is…or why you are as you are…you have to…

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