Matthew 20:29-21:17 / The Main Thing
Matthew 21-23 focuses on the central issues of life. In 20:29-21:17, we have three encounters and three stories that teach us the most important thing in life: who is Jesus, and what does it mean to follow him? There is no more serious issue than this. Starting in Matthew 20 and moving through 21:17, Matthew…
Read MoreGetting Back into Matthew
I am really excited to get back into the Gospel of Matthew. We began walking through Matthew on January 5, 2020. A lot has changed since then. And we have taken a few detours, but I am excited to finish it up this year. Now, why in the world would we want to spend so…
Read MoreAdvent Week 4 / Luke 1:39-55
Mary’s Christmas Carol One of the most asked questions every Christmas is…Mary, did you know?And this Sunday we get the answer! Sunday we look at one of the most famous passages in the Bible: Mary’s Magnificat. It is a beautiful, powerful song of joy. My goal is to help make Mary’s song our song. Her confidence…
Read MoreAdvent Week 3 / Luke 1:26-38
An Unexpected Announcement This advent, we are looking at different passages in Luke and joining him in celebrating the salvation that Jesus brings. Chapters one and two in the Gospel of Luke are like the first notes of the symphony of salvation. The Savior is coming! This is the theme of these chapters, and Luke’s…
Read MoreToday salvation has come to this house
Luke 19:1-10 / Week 1 / Advent 2022 This Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent, and we will turn our attention to celebrating the coming of our King. Our passage for the week will be Luke 19:1-10, the story of Zacchaeus, and our theme will be: Today, salvation has come to this house.
Read MoreRepairing Relationships / 1 Cor. 13
This week we are going to look at the love chapter: 1 Corinthians 13. Most people assume this chapter was written for weddings or valentines day. But it was’t. This chapter was written to show you how to deal with difficult people. And tell us what our greatest need is. The greatest need you…
Read MoreRomans 7 / The Divided Mind
If you are going to experience the transforming power of the gospel, then you have to know how sin seeks to bind and break you. Sin wants to break you. Break your relationship with God and others. Break you internally and externally. This week we will look at Romans 7. Here we will find one…
Read MorePsalm 51 / Real Repentance
As we continue our series on experiencing the transforming power of the gospel, we will be looking at one of the most famous prayers in the Bible: Psalm 51. Psalm 51 is the central place in the Bible to learn about what genuine repentance is. In this passage, we will see that there is a…
Read MoreWhat is wrong with the world?
In 1905 The Daily News, a popular paper out of London, was running a series of articles where they asked eminent writers and thinkers of the day what was wrong with the world. Each week they would print the responses. When G.K. Chesterton was asked, he responded as follows: “Dear Sirs, [What’s wrong with the…
Read MoreOur Soul’s Assassin
Genesis 3:1-7 When Sin entered the world, it caused a series of broken relationships: our relationship with God, ourselves, others, and our world were all fractured. Now, life in the world, in us, and with others is not what it was meant to be. But the glory and story of the gospel is that God…
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